The Emergence of the Atheist

1 in 5 people surveyed in a recent poll declared that they are atheist, the highest number to do so to date
Atheists are people who lack belief in gods. It does not necessarily mean that they are irreligious, as some religions do not adhere to a deity. Nonetheless, most atheists are not religious and many people who are not religious are also atheists. Therefore, it is telling that a recent poll by the Pew Center for the People and the Press showed that 1 in 5 people identify as having no religious affiliation. This, among other reports, shows that the number of people who identify as atheist is on the rise. However, these people can still be online church affiliated with the Universal Life Church. They can even be ordained.
Interestingly, as atheism is emerging further as a popular view on the question of whether deities exist, the number of people who affiliate with heretofore popular religions like Catholicism is either remaining the same or dropping. These organized religions tend to run under a formed establishment — a religious government of sorts. It is possible that people are shying away from that as much as belief in gods. This is evidenced by an increase in individuals who are not political party affiliated. So, with rising anti-establishment sentiments and rising disbelief in gods, it is not surprising to see a decline in adherents or a steady number of adherents to any given religion.
There is a way for people who shy away from ruling bodies still to be a part of a religion. Likewise, there is a way for people who identify as atheist to be a part of a religion. The Universal Life Church is an online church with a congregation of people from all backgrounds. Everyone is welcome. They can believe in no gods, every god man has ever believed in or they can be uncertain. Members of the Universal Life Church can be any ethnicity, any sexuality and any gender.
With the ULC, there is no doctrine that is held above others. There is no divine ruling that makes it okay to treat others poorly or look down upon them. Members of the ULC can be ordained and act as ministers in a loving capacity without ever worshipping a god. They can also do so while worshipping the god of their choosing. There is no pressure to conform and atheists do not have to worry that they are unwelcome because they do not believe in gods. All of the benefits that come with being clergy come with being ordained by the ULC with or without the dogma.